Saturday, June 8, 2013

Cleaning Tips for Sandstone Fireplace

A sandstone fireplace adds beauty and style to any home. Sandstone is one of the most popular choices for indoor natural stone installations. It is lightweight, which contributes towards ease of installation. The neutral look of the fireplace enables it to blend with whatever style of furniture you have. When well cared for, sandstone installations can reflect their natural beauty for several years. Below are cleaning tips for your sandstone fireplace.

One is Day-to-Day Cleaning:
It is a good idea to clean your fireplace daily during your normal household chores. This helps to maintain its attractive appearance. A dry mop can help you clear away the usual dust and dirt. It helps if you brush the sandstone occasionally to freshen its appearance.

Another one is Thorough Cleaning:
Once a week, you may want to undertake a deeper clean. This helps to clear smudges and grime. A clean fireplace also contributes to higher performance and safety. Use a natural cleanser with water to clear dirt and grime from your fireplace. A soft bristled brush can help you clear the dirt effectively. Rinse carefully so that no traces of soap remain behind.

Soap residues give sandstone a dull appearance. Avoid acidic, alkaline or ammonia-based cleansers as these are likely to compromise the integrity of your sandstone. It isn’t a good idea to use ordinary household detergents on your sandstone. It leaves a residue which dulls the fireplace and encourages mildew to develop.

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