Friday, June 7, 2013

Tips for Marble Polishing

Before the beautiful marble product , it needs a series process, and marble polishing is part of the process of cleaning and caring for. Whether it’s your kitchen counter or your living room floor, marble can be used in any places in a household. In hotels, restaurants and offices, marble floors are also polished until they gleam.

Marble polishing is needed to maintain this costly material. Despite the popular misconception, marble is not a hard substance. You should be careful in handling it so that you can preserve its quality.

A damp rag will help in cleaning marble on a regular basis. After that, you can buff the marble dry. Sometimes, stains will develop on marble but you need to choose the right cleaner for getting these out.

There are a number of solutions available on the market for marble polishing so choose carefully. You can also get marble polishing pads to complement the solutions that you purchase. You want to steer away from powder based cleansers because some of these may cause more damage and harm to the marble than you think.

A stone sealer can also be used on marble for added protection. Aside from this, if you are placing furniture on marble, it is advisable to place a rug or carpet underneath. Other than protecting the marble from scratches that furniture could cause, carpets could also absorb any spills from falling directly on the marble.

If you notice deeper scratches and indentations in the marble, it is better to consult with a professional on trying to get these out. In this way, you can remedy the situation before things get worse.

Remember that all marble has a natural polish. Every time you clean marble, your intention is to restore this natural shine, not go against it. You want to be gentle when cleaning marble. Do not use any abrasive cleaning materials or solutions.

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